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Activities for children at Seaclub

If you're looking for a hotel in which the little ones can have a ball and the grown-ups can enjoy full peace of mind, you've just found it. The stars of the show at our hotel in Alcudia are the children, and to this end we have facilities, activities and a collection of great moments ready to be shared with new friends and our mascot, without the need to leave the Seaclub and under the supervision of team of specialised professionals.


Guaranteed great fun for the little ones


    For 4 year-olds and older, open daily in the morning and in the afternoon.

    It is the home of our pet Toby, and the ideal space for children to have fun under the supervision of our specialized entertainment team. Games, ball pools, mazes, trampolines... and a whole range of activities await thelittle ones at SeaClub Resort.

    The turtle Toby, as you will discover in Toby's story, arrived many years ago at Seaclub Resort to stay and play forever with the little ones in the family.


    From the age of 9, young people already need action and what better just for them, than our team of animators and the fantastic sports facilities of our Resort. Our animation team awaits this age group with a complete entertainment program that combines sport, team games, creativity and imagination and above all a lot of fun.


    For the afternoon / evening we get together with the children, entertainers and Toby to say goodbye to the day dancing and singing all together.

    Several nights a week, the program of performances in Sealounge is focused on the children with kids' shows.


    To complete the entertainment program we have a whole series of special activities*, such as: pyjama party, Toby picnic, riding ponny, painting t-shirts, ...adventures that will undoubtedly remain in the memory of the little ones. *Special activitiesentail an additional charge.

    And for those who want to play at their leisure we offer spaces and materials to practice sports such as beach volleyball, basketball, soccer, ping pong or petanque.