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Activities for adults at Seaclub
Leisure and fun to suit everyone

At our resort in Alcúdia we wish the whole family to have a great time in our facilities and that is why we have a wide range of leisure and activities also for adults. At Seaclub you can have fun day and night, alone or with your family and friends, play sports, watch shows or relax with a treatment, but always enjoying the best moments of your vacation at our hotel.


The best activities to have fun in during your holidays


    The adult entertainment program includes a whole area of sports such as zumba, pilates, family soccer, petanque, aquagym... that will make you enjoy outdoor sport under the Mediterranean sun, with a selection of leisure and gastronomy day activities such as dance classes or detox juice workshop. Those who want fun and sport on their Alcudia vacation are guaranteed it. And for those who want to play at their leisure we offer spaces and materials to practice sports such as beach volleyball, basketball, soccer, ping pong or petanque.


    At Seaclub we will have at your fingertips a completely equipped gym* so as to not stop getting fit during your vacation. Free access for all seaclub resort customers. *Minimum age 16 years.

    We also offer you a whole selection of massages and treatments* with which to take care of yourself and relax. Book at our reception some of the multiple treatments offered in the beauty area of ​​our gym. *With surcharge


    The Sealounge, our show bar, is the perfect place to end the day and enjoy one of our shows. We will surprise you with shows from external professionals as well as shows, games and competitions of great variety from our team of professional animators.